09/24/2020. Satan would like us to believe otherwise. What spiritual disciples do you follow to help you grow closer to God? His car was found miles away. The testing of your faith produces endurance (James 1:3). It’s so easy to get up each morning, do our work, enjoy some relaxation or entertainment, and fall into bed each night without giving any thought to God’s involvement in our lives. ). We know God is there for us. No one likes criticism, but encountering some is inevitable, so we need to learn how to respond in a godly way. Charles Stanley Radio 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Focusing on Christ is neither a natural reaction nor an easy one. As he walks us through his ups and downs, he shares how the biblical principles he’s taught all his life affected the way he’s actually lived. Thanks to Anthony’s leadership and his love for you and his love for God,I have no doubt that there are many great days ahead for the First Baptist Church of Atlanta.
Sorry, your search returned no results :(, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The Lord has a plan for your life. Watch weekly broadcasts, classic sermons, and videos of all that God is doing around the world through In Touch. , Courageous Faith: My Story From a Life of Obedience (English Edition), ( As your search God's Word, you will discover many truths about yourself—such as the fact you are a beloved child of God, you are the heir of God's inheritance, and you are a member of the Body of Christ. 9%. Each study draws on Dr. Stanley’s many years of teaching the guiding principles found in God’s Word, showing how we can apply them in practical ways to every situation we face. ), Prayer: The Ultimate Conversation (English Edition), ( When Stanley was only nine months old, he lost his father and was raised by his mother, Rebecca Stanley on her own. For this reason, we need to know how to express our emotions in healthy ways, learn how to cope with negative emotions, direct our emotions toward good outcomes, and give voice to our feelings in order to improve communication. Jesus commanded that we serve one another, but obeying this mandate in humility is not natural for us. Stanley’s tenure at the historic Atlanta church began in 1969 when the church was located on Peachtree Street in downtown Atlanta.
12:12). The only right way to understand who you are is to see yourself from God's perspective, as described in His Word. If we truly desire to walk in the center of God's perfect will, we must become willing to cooperate with His time frame. Kanye West holds Sunday Service in Atlanta as choir walks on water, Pope: Gossiping is 'plague worse than COVID', Pastor John Gray apologizes to church following rumors of alleged romantic affair. Entdecken Sie jetzt alle Amazon Prime-Vorteile. September 2020. Gebundenes Buch
But many of us don't have the same qualms when it comes to harming the temple of the Holy Spirit. 19%. ), Becoming Emotionally Whole: Change Your Thoughts to Be Happier and Healthier (Charles F. Stanley Bible Study Series) (English Edition), ( ). Books, life principles series, CD/DVD, specialty items, Christmas catalog 2012 and more.
Net Promoter Score (NPS) 63% How likely are our Discretionary Managed Private Clients to recommend Charles Stanley. But those who willingly die to themselves will produce an abundance of spiritual fruit. A believer's relationship with the Lord is one of complete unity. Etwas ist schiefgegangen. Read. Charles F. Stanley's Handbook for Christian Living is not a lofty theological work, nor is it an academic commentary. deutscher MwSt. Most important, you will learn about the character of God. ATLANTA — Charles Stanley is stepping down as senior pastor at First Baptist, he announced today during a pre-recorded streaming service. Charles Stanley remembers the first time he heard his son preach. He is the founder and president of In Touch Ministries and served two one-year terms as president of the Southern Baptist Convention from 1984 to 1986.